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In order to use the openstack client, you must authenticate using your credentials.

Application credentials#

  • Login to your account and navigate to API Access
  • Generate the application credential and click the "Download openrc file". The openrc file contains all the needed information for accessing the Openstack APIs.
  • Next, load the credentials (openrc file) in your terminal
source ./my-credentials.openrc

Note that the actual filename and path must be replaced with your own.

Verify the authentication#

Listing the available instance types should work now.

openstack flavor list
+-------------+--------------+--------+------+-----------+-------+-----------+| ID          | Name         |    RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |+-------------+--------------+--------+------+-----------+-------+-----------+| 10.51501    | m1.g1.0      |    512 |   15 |         0 |     1 | True      || 101220001   | m1.c10.12    |  12288 |  200 |         0 |    10 | True      || 101624001   | m1.c10.16    |  16384 |  240 |         0 |    10 | True      || 104080011   | eds1.g10.40  |  40960 |  800 |         0 |    10 | True      || 104080012   | eds1.c10.40  |  40960 |  800 |         0 |    10 | True      |...